Alton locked up the Firemen's Cabin at 12:30 (am) - capping off a super virgin voyage of the first annual Blogs United in Martinsville for free Speech conference. I understand that there were a few pockets of drama, but since they didn't involve me, I remained blissfully oblivious.
I'm looking forward to reading the blogs and hearing opinions from the participants. I'm grateful for their participation in this venture and hope that the friendships that were formed will endure upcoming elections. I'm also grateful for Motrin...
I'll navigate Flickr tomorrow (Waldo uses it - need I say more? - yes! His teeth look great - no need to take him to the new dental clinic after all) and hopefully upload the 90 pictures I took of the event. (There's still time to suck up!)
True to my nature, I tried to ask everyone at the Firemen's Cabin what suggestions they had for improving next year's conference. The responses so far (except for "midget porn" - I still have to Google that one) will be helpful in planning the next conference. Please leave your suggestions, reflections, regrets, etc. in the comment section below.
Thanks to all of the bloggers who made this possible. This was YOUR conference and YOU made it happen.
I'm going to bed now, oddly homesick for a place I spent 18 years escaping....