Friday, June 02, 2006

Clarification Of Motive

I want to clear up what may be a misconception in some Virginia Blogger's minds.

My reasons for establishing C'ville Too are many. Competition or sour grapes with Sorensen is not one of them. I have my problems with the way the Sorensen Conference was organized, I also have publicly questioned their choice for Keynote Speaker. But if it had not been scheduled for Father's Day weekend, I would most likely be signed up now as an attendee. The Virginia community of blog commentators is both wide and deep. I'm sure there will be enough interesting people in Charlottesville to keep everyone from Virginia Centrist to Conaway Haskins involved in some fine conversation and debate.

A conference in Martinsville and Henry County was originally proposed by Will Vehrs. Not in an effort to get himself out of the hole he had recently dug for himself, but as a sincere effort to bring some attention to an area of the Commonwealth that is hurting right now. Will and Ben Tribbett proposed moving the Sorensen Conference to Martinsville, as did I, at a time when none of us in the Virginia blogging community knew just how far along the planning for that event was (or wasn't).

Will states;
Just to clarify, the idea originated completely from Not Larry Sabato. I signed on immediately because it made so much sense.
Will Vehrs | 06.02.06 - 5:47 pm
I know that a simple conference will not cure the economic problems Martinsville and Henry County are experiencing, and that is not the purpose anyway. But, stranger things have been known to happen.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Date Deliberations

Norm has noticed. He also cautions us about holding the event in August. I'm not married to August, but it just seems right to me. It's outside the NASCAR schedule, and hotel rooms here for race week have to be inherited, they can't be bought. The political scene is in a virtual hiatus then, and bloggers will be searching under every rock and posting every cute video link they can find.

He says most will be looking at a trip to the beach, rather than a trip to southside during August. My point precisely. Henry County is often lumped in with Southside, but we are actually more Southwestern Virginia in flavor. We are minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway. My office for example, is 26 miles from my home in Collinsville, but it overlooks Bull Mountain. Well, not really, but if it wasn't for that big un-named hill between us, it would.

There is much here to be had for the visitor. On my hunting club property is the final resting place of General Joseph Martin. Patrick Henry lived here when he was elected Governor. Governor Thomas B. Stanley's home, Stoneleigh, was on my boyhood paper route. (Mr. Tom, was also a major patron of my Boy Scout troop 73).

I almost forgot, Norm said, "unless there's barbecue". Well, I've got barbecue. My sister's husband is the only brother of Tommy Houston. Martinsville's Barbecue King. He recently won the Reno, Nevada rib cookoff, earning him a place at the Jack Daniels cookoff in Lynchburg Tennessee. You may have seen him on the Food Network. His local restaurant, Pigs R Us, will cater lunch on Saturday.

Blogs United in Martinsville for free Speech

Planning has begun for Blogs United, the Virginia Blogger's Conference by bloggers for bloggers.

The conference will be at Patrick Henry Community College, via arrangments currently being handled by Barnie Day. Barnie has also graciuosly offered to help recruit speakers, and has presented me with an impressive list of choices.

I have been in touch via e-mail with J. Tucker Martin, Director of Communications for Attorney General Bob McDonnell. The Attorney General wants to participate, pending only a firm date.

My e-mail box is always open to anyone wishing to provide input on such items as;
  • Agenda
  • Date
  • Requested speakers
  • Workshops
Let's get together and make this happen sometime in late summer. I'm thinking about August, politics dies down somewhat then and you all will be searching for topics.

Via e-mail I've just learned that the College has been secured by Mr. Day, pending only notification of a firm date. According to Barnie, Max Wingett, president of the college, said "Patrick Henry Community College would be glad to sponsor a thing like this...". Other details to come.

Smith River Community Bank agrees to be lead sponsor--commits to $1000. BKD

Click the logo for the bank's website.